Our club cares about food security. We have ongoing projects, as well as annual projects to help feed people that need it in our neighborhood and our world. We raise money, collect, pack, and serve.
Have ideas for more ways for us to get involved in food security in our community and the world? Contact us today!
We believe that children are our future. A number of our service projects and many of our donation dollars focus on youth - particularly kids right here in Apple Valley.
Have ideas for more ways for us to get involved with youth in Apple Valley? We’d love to hear them! Contact us today.
Donation & Fine Links
Here is the link to donate to The Rotary Foundation. Please remember to log in so you, our club, and our district are given appropriate credit for the donation.
Here is the link to donate to the Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship Foundation. This is our club's foundation.
Here is the link to pay happy fines. Please note that this is not how you would give money to either The Rotary Foundation or to Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship Foundation.
We're on facebook!
Visit us at to see more of what we're up to!
Apple Valley, MN 55124-6066
United States of America